Power Automate Send 7 or 14 Day Task Due Reminder Emails

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We developed a Scheduled Cloud flow in Power Automate that will send a reminder email to users on specific days:

  • Due Date is Today – The assigned users will be reminded that the task expires today.
  • 7 Days Before the Due Date – The assigned users will be reminded that the task will expire in 7 days.
  • 14 Days Before the Due Date – The assigned users will be reminded that the task will expire in 14 days.
  • 7 Days After the Due Date – The assigned users will be reminded that the task has already expired for 7 days.
  • 14 Days After the Due Date – The assigned users will be reminded that the task has already expired for 14 days.

According to this, users can prioritize and finish their tasks on time or before the due date.

To build this, we will create a SharePoint List [TaskList] with these columns below:

  • TaskName (Default Title Column)
  • AssignedTo (Person or Group column)
  • TaskPriority (Choice type column (High, Medium, Low))
  • TaskStatus (Choice type column (Completed, InProgress, Yet to start))
  • DueDate (Date and Time type)
  • DueDateBefore7Days (Calculated column(=DueDate-7))
  • DueDateBefore14Days (Calculated column (=DueDate-14))
  • DueDateAfter7Days (Calculated column (=DueDate+7))
  • DueDateAfter14Days (Calculated column (=DueDate+14))

The scheduled flow runs everyday @10.00 AM.

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Power Automate Send 7 or 14 Day Task Due Reminder Emails

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