Create Multiple Tabs in Power Apps [Lead Management Apps Example]

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Download this app to learn how to create multiple tabs in Power Apps. Here we have created 4 tabs in the Power Apps Canvas App. We have created a Lead Management App here. Data we are storing in a SharePoint Online list having 26 columns. Below are the functionalities of the Power Apps App.

  • Home Page
  • Add New Leads [Tabbed Form]
  • Display All Leads
  • Edit Leads [Tabbed Form]
  • Details Screen [To view selected item]

From the Home page, users can navigate to see all leads or add new leads also. Detailed Screen will display all leads and the user can select an item to see details about it. From there, users can edit or delete a lead. The New Form and Edit form will open as a Tabbed form.

You can follow the read me file to know how to install and use the Canvas App.

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Create Multiple Tabs in Power Apps [Lead Management Apps Example]

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